Madison Brooke
Madison Brooke

Hope you have a birthday to be remembered for life.
Love, Aunt Vicki and Manfred
Love, Aunt Vicki and Manfred
In posting about Madison's 1st birthday, I failed to add the wishes from her Great-Aunt Vick and Great-Uncle Manfred who live in Germany! I received the e-mail and let life take over and my brain shut off and forgot to include her wishes in my Madison Birthday post. Aunt Vick is very special to me and I would not want to leave her out of recognition due. She cares for our family and knows that Grandma Jane made all holidays and birthdays very special. She has tried very diligently to follow in those footsteps.
I hope that someday soon Madison will get to meet her Great Aunt and Uncle! It has been so many years since she has been to "home". Germany is her home now after living there since 1993.
We love you Aunt Vick and Manfred!
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