Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year 2009

Not much to report here! We hope everyone had a wonderful start to the New Year. John had to work so Madison and I stayed at home and did nothing! Well, Madison did a little more than nothing. She kept me busy all day. She is really practicing to walk. I have some video to post once I get them in the right format. She spent the day pushing her shopping cart around the house. She is becoming more brave in the distances she will travel on her own without assistance. She also trust me enough to walk to me if I reach out my hands for her to come to. That was an exciting moment for me. She was at the couch and I was on the living room floor about 3 feet away. I said to her, "Come see momma Madi." She turned away from the couch, got her balance and started to walk toward me. She took each step very carefully and had her arms out to reach for me and for balance. Our little girl is growing up so fast. In 7 days she will be 1. Again **sigh**.