Such a wonderful message this time of year. In our sermon at church today, Bob Russell spoke about the true meaning of Christmas. It's not about what you give, it's about what you do. Jesus was born to show us what it means to be selfless. Give your time to someone who does not have someone to share this season with. Give your money (if you have extra) to someone who needs it more than you do. Give your life to Christ and he will give you eternal life. Think about the many blessings the Lord has given you this year and years past. Be thankful and delight in those gifts. We are most thankful for the life he gave us in our children. What greater gift could we be blessed with. As you approach 2009 and are making resolutions, I encourage you to find time to fit the Lord into your life if you haven't already. He is our Savior and the reason for the season of Christmas. It is a celebration of his birth into this world that we are living in.
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